Nerdland is an R-rated cartoon comedy about celebrity, excess, and two showbiz nobodies, John (Paul Rudd) and Elliott (Patton Oswalt), with a plan to become famous—or even infamous—by the end of the n...
The series follows 15-year-old Ella Gardner, a student at a public school in Oakland, California. Arrested at a protest and facing serious jail time, Ella avoids incarceration, but as part of the deal...
What are a few references among friends? But for Cal and his circle, it’s hardly a few. They barely conduct a single conversation that doesn’t revolve around architecture, literature, theology, histor...
由尼科尔·贝克威思(Nikole Beckwith)编写的电影《三代人》描绘了一个纽约青年雷(Ray,艾丽·范宁/ElleFanning饰)由女性变性为男性过程中的自我身份探索,她的单身母亲麦琪(Maggie,娜奥米·沃茨/NaomiWatts饰)也不得不接受她的独生女变成儿子的事实。与此同时,麦琪的母亲多莉(Dolly,苏珊·萨兰登/ Susan Sarandon饰),一个和自己的同性伴侣共享上...
莎拉(凯瑟琳·莫瑞斯 Kathryn Morris 饰)、妮可(帕翠西娅·维拉奎兹 Patricia Velasquez 饰)、卢卡斯(约翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)等七名FBI成员在资深教官杰克·哈里斯(方·基默 Val Kilmer 饰)的 带领下,来到离加州不远的弗涅戈小岛,他们将在岛上的虚拟小镇中进行演练,通过推理来找出绰号为“木偶师”的连环杀手。这群探员业务精湛...