After surviving a terrifying car crash, a young woman discovers that aggressive, flesh-eating zombies have overtaken the entire area. She must figure out what is happening and why in hopes of escaping...
When an internet vigilante develops a revolutionary new computer program to combat online predators, its rapid advancement leads to serious questions of autonomy, oppression, and what it really means ...
It's about two identical adolescent twin brothers who challenge gender norms in different ways in a journey of self-discovery involving their group of friends who are also trying to find their pla...
David Wells可以说是活得春风得意。从前过着贫寒的生活的他,现在有着银行职员的的工作,还与一位爱着他的美女订了婚。他们住在一幢漂亮的房子里,有着众多成功、富有爱心的朋友,但其中有一位可能太富有同情心了。David的好友Jack不喜欢自己中阶级的生活,而这种想法缘自一个装作验尸官从尸体上掠取贵重物品的人。David把Jack的观点当作耳边风,还是一如既往地奔赴两年期的评论工作,希望努力工作能...