Lily Pierce, haunted, seeks her estranged father, a disgraced history professor, to learn how to battle supernatural threats like knights fighting monsters, drawing from a bygone era of swords and arm...
「Bossa Nova 之父」喬安吉巴托在當紅之際人間蒸發,三十年來,喃語迷濛的嗓音仍在里約街頭傳唱,卻再也無人見過他的蹤跡。德國作家來到巴西探尋大師身影未曾成功,他將過程細寫成書,卻在作品出版前自縊身亡。同樣身為樂迷的導演喬治蓋修照著書中的蛛絲馬跡按圖索驥,找出大師御用理髮師、廚師、昔日搭檔甚至妻女,盼能見到仍繭居在城市中的大師,但總也緣鏗一面。不甘命運老是錯身而過,導演立誓找到大師,完成作家遺...
Claire is sure of herself, her work and family, until - like a bad dream - her husband disappears, leaving a trail of puzzling secrets that shatter her certainty.
Three weeks after Claire’s husband ha...